Friday 8 March 2013

An Introduction

Well its rare that i do blog posts, main due to me mainly using You Tube. But I've decided to really try to create a blog about something that I enjoy doing. So its a good idea that I'm doing a blog about something i've been doing over the past few years. That subject is Train Simulator/Railworks, I've mainly been into this hobby since Christmas of 2007 when I got the original Rail Simulator. I used this simulator til about 2010 when i got Railworks: Tornado Edition for my birthday. Ever since getting that simulator, i decided to start creating scenarios for the simulator, my first scenario being for the UKTrainSim version of Keith Ross's Port Road (which was also released for free on Steam before work to extend it to Stranrear began). Ever since then i started to create more scenarios for Railworks. However in 2011, i took a break from scenario scenario creation in order to put all focus on my university studies. I still went on Steam in order to play on other games (IE: Killing Floor, Team Fortress 2 and so on and so on and so on). However during the most recent Steam sale, I had decided to have another shot at Train Simulator and so I purchased The Woodhead Route. I decided to resume creating Train Simulator Scenarios, I've mainly been creating scenarios in between my studies.

With that prolonged opening introduction done, the next thing thats required is for me to start putting posts up. But these will have to be done between studies. And with that anticlimactic end to the blog post#, its time to resume my usual things and in the future do more blog posts.


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