Monday, 6 May 2013

Another new means of distribution

Well I've decided that whilst UKTrainSim is a good way of distributing my scenario's to the public, I've decided to also to cater to non UKTrainSim users. So after a few minutes contemplating this idea whilst waiting to purchase my Playoff Final Ticket (up the Bantams). I've decided to use Mediafire to distribute my scenarios.

Now before you say "why use something else when you are using a tried and tested system". Well if you all think about it, you have to queue in order to download the files you are seeking. If you want to avoid that then you'd have to pay a subscription, which is slightly annoying to someone who wants to get something downloaded before they go to work /uni /holiday /other things. So, i've decided to use something that can be accessed rather easily.

To those on UKTrainSim, don't worry i'm not leaving you. This is just an experiment that i'm conducting in order to see if i can catch non UKTrainSim users.

The scenario I transferred was "The Dodworth Connection" and it can be found at the following link

Link to download:

Download it, Try it, Enjoy it. If not, send me an pm on Youtube or on UKTrainSim.

Catch ya'll later.

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