Friday 31 May 2013

Update: 31/05/2013

Time for a quick update from thyself.

  • First of all, i have unofficially completed University. So the next few months will involve me looking for a job and doing train simulator scenarios.
  • Second, i've returned from Holiday. (Belfast is a lovely city to visit)
  • Third: The Type 1 Replacement is more or less finished and ready to be released on UKTrainSim and Mediafire. All that's required is for the preview to be made and uploaded onto YouTube. This will be done over the weekend with release being planned for Sunday. (I was planning on releasing it tomorrow but i made a bit of a blunder when making the preview video. Kept pressing the FPS key for FRAPS). I am so sorry to anybody awaiting this scenario for this delay.
Til then, catch ya all later.

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